Here are just a few of the exciting applications in the gallery:
AnalyticsApp is an app for Google Analytics on the iPad!

The Referrer Flow visualization shows you what sites link to you and which content works best. The Keyword visualization displays the most frequently used search keywords and how they are used together.
BTBuckets is a free segmentation and optimization webapp that allows sites to create user segments and take actions upon them in real time.
CallTrackID allows telephone enquiries to be tracked from various traffic routes, including direct, organic, PPC ad, affiliate and offline straight into Google Analytics.
ShufflePoint Studio allows you to associate PowerPoint text, table, and chart placeholders with refreshable Google Analytics data.
The App Gallery makes it easy for customers to find 3rd party solutions that extend Google Analytics in new and useful ways. We also think it’s a great way for developers to find new users and attract more customers. If you’re a developer and you’d like to have your application listed in the gallery, we've created a
simple submission form to get your app added.
Finally, if you’re interested in learning more about how you can integrate with Google Analytics, join us for our presentation:
Google Analytics: End-to-End on May 20th at Google IO.